• Dr. Madina Guloba
    | Event, News

    Advancing Social Protection for Women Workers in Uganda for Gender Equality and Equity

    Despite the existence of social protection legal and institutional frameworks and policies, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development...

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  • Community information needs in the oil and gas sector in Uganda
    Peter Magelah Gwayaka | Publication

    Community Information Needs in the Oil and Gas sector in Uganda

    The extractives sector, particularly the oil and gas sector, has been shrouded in secrecy, denial and limited access to information. This has left...

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  • Saturday, 27.10.18 - Golf Course Hotel | Event

    Young Leaders Forum VII 2018 Graduation

    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Uganda graduated its 7th Young Leaders Forum Class on 27th October 2018.

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  • Friday, 28.09.18 - Hotel Africana, Kampala | Event

    FES dialogue on the role of LC1 courts in resolving land disputes

    On Friday, the 28th of September 2018, FES organised a half day policy dialogue on the role of Local council courts (LC1) in resolving land disputes....

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  • FES Uganda & UCOBAC | Publication

    Pro-poor and gender responsive urban land governance for increased security of tenure and equitable access to adequate housing in the city

    The Policy Brief summarizes the challenges and recommendations towards responsive urban land governance that were identified during the public...

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Uganda Office

5B, John Babiiha Avenue
P.O Box 3860
Kampala, Uganda.




  • Photo:Maria Alesi/ FES Uganda

Governance and Participation

Good governance and inclusive participation are key principles of democracy and social justice. Friedrich–Ebert–Stiftung recognises the importance of good governance as a means and end to building strong systems to serve and protect the interests of all citizens and foster sustainable development.


  • Photo: Maria Alesi/FES Uganda

Young Leaders Forum

In Uganda, two policy documents govern the discussions and actions relating to youth affairs. The 2016 National Youth Policy and the 2017 National Youth Policy Action Plan. In both these documents, Uganda boosts of having one of the youngest population in the world and young people make up the majority of her population.


  • Photo: Edyegu Daniel Enwaku/UPPA

Uganda Press Photo Award

The Ugandan Press Photo Award is a photography competition open to Ugandan photojournalists and photographers. It is also a platform for exchanging thoughts and ideas about photography as a medium, through a series of workshops, exhibitions, talks, discussions, portfolio reviews and film screenings. 


  • Photo: FES Uganda

Oil and Gas Revenues and Economic Transformation

Despite Uganda's consistently high economic growth, the trickledown effect has been slow in reaching the majority of the population. This has created hefty income disparity which has translated to unjust overall development. 


  • Photo: FES Uganda

Social Justice in the Urban Economy

Urbanisation and increasing populations in urban areas have led to many problems. Issues stemming from urbanisation include social issues, economic and environmental problems through urban sprawl. These problems include pollution, urban poverty, overcrowding and traffic, depletion of resources, land conflicts, unemployment, high crime rates and lawlessness and development of slums.



  • Photo: FES Uganda


In Uganda, talking about development and poverty reduction cannot be done without taking into account the land question.

The importance of land in Uganda is huge, and the land issue is gaining more and more importance. The number of conflicts, both in court as well as out of court, is undeniably on the rise, tensions are increasing and ownership of land is becoming a political debate.


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